Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blame It On The Girls Global Dance Event Malaysia - text report

OMG that was the craziest thing we've ever done!!!

the participants were down to three,but we were determined to do it on the street.everything was perfect at first,we rehearsed in a fast food outlet,adjusted the top view shot and recruited a few random strangers to join in.unfortunately the radio we used wasn't loud enough,lucky for us,we realised that before we started dancing.but it was a bit of a spoiler for the intro shot where we pose at different was even worse when the authorities came to raid a few vendors there,we got totally worried.but then again,thanks to nikjass' brilliant idea and persuasion skills,we managed to get a better audio (she drove her car infront of the venue and blasted her radio) AND talked the authorities into letting us do the flash mob for 5minutes! :biggrin2: dancing on the streets was radical! the shufflers sort of flirted with the three of us,but that kind of adds up to the scene.the cars slowed down to see us dance :roftl:
the shot was pretty screwed in the end,but overall it was fun fun fun!
we need to do some editing before we submit the footage though.

pictures and footages will be uploaded soon,stay tuned!