no umbrellas,no fear of storms,no disco balls,..just the rain and the rhythm within me.
I've always wanted to dance in the rain,and today,i had the opportunity to do so.it was a very long day for my friends and I,none of us enjoyed every single bit of it to be perfectly honest.we were all so stressed out with the workload and the pressure that the school is putting on our class.and for the first time ever,our favourite teacher blew his top and got us all trying hard to compensate.i can't believe how high the teachers' expectations are on all of us?someday,somehow,they HAVE to be reminded that we are human beings and we have every right to commit mistakes,we're not programmable androids that you can just point your fingers at,we have minds of our own.we apologize if that is too surreal for any of you to absorb,it's the way it is and if it needs to be changed,we'll try our best to do it gradually.
but anyway,that's not the focus of this post.what i'm trying to tell you here is about the beauty and joy of dancing in the rain.some of you might say that my desire to do that is already a little bit overrated,let alone doing it for real.let me tell you this,you'll never know unless you attempt it yourself.it was the most perfect time.there isn't many people on the streets,even if there are,most of them are too anxious to get home before a worser storm brews,they didn't really bother what happened on the street.what was first a heavy downpour subsided into a gentle shower,even the thunderstorms started to become milder.this was when i took the chance to do what i've only dreamed of doing.i walked slowly down the pathway leading me back home,once the school is out of sight,i looked up in the sky.the rain drops delicately touched my face,it was really cold but i enjoyed it.the mp3 i had with me the whole time was randomly playing romantic tracks to favor the mood.by then it was 'Never Had A Dream Come True' by S Club 7.one word,the afternoon was just gorgeous despite the gloomy weather.it turned out that rainy days can be extremely pleasant if you treat it the right way.i did a fox trot along the way,simultaneously looking around in case there were spectators.this moment should be done alone,and when i say alone,it means no one should be around to watch it either.unless...unless it's you :) i would have wanted you to pull my hands and ask:
"May I have this dance,senorita?"- Mask of Zorro.
okay,i think i've been watching too much Spanish movies lately.i should stop now.toodles!