i know how solemn and blue this blog has been lately.
this is why i thought it needed a little toning down by a couple of happy times.
so actually the day before yesterday,i don't really know how we came up with this plan.it was jerin's idea that all of us should meet up and just chill for one last time before the exam madness begins next year.
jerin and nizar came to my house (in seksyen 10).we walked on until we reached the bus stop in seksyen 9?then we rode the bus to mcD! wtf >>>>> typically Jerin JJ.
kimi.....new friend :D i swear he looks like Hafiz anak wayang!!~

whatsup with guys and techno gizmoes? -.-
then,after lunch, we waited for the bus to move on to seksyen 8 KD for a little gaming session.

(maybe because you were not around ..lol..ok stop!)
then we loitered,camwhored,ate what's left of our burgers,and then walked back home together.

i guess that's about it.LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!! :DD thanks everyone,for all the fun!
p/s: as always... WISH YOU WERE THERE! :(