i'm back! as promised,i'll make an individual review for all the subjects and papers for SPM.yeah i know,boooooooreeeeeeeenngg.apparently i've lost touch in blogging,and i'm getting lazier by the minute.scratch that,i just don't feel like reviewing about the past,i.e SPM. it's over and i should let it be.well technically,i still have EST on 15th december but who freaking gives a damn about it anyhow?you don't really have to read up or practice anything,rather,it's more to your language skills.due to my new sloth-ly traits,i decided to update my blog in pixel form,LOL.
1.last day of school ...
2.Last day of SPM
3. Outing with the girls
4. Epic Fail Billie Joe image clone
5. my newly-discovered obsession with Scrubs.
i'll update more soon when i'm less lazy.