Wednesday, August 11, 2010

feliz cumpleaños , Antonio :)

okay so i found a decent photo of him in respect of the Holy month of,happy 50th birthday!

despite being only 3 years younger than my mom,i must say you look simply stunning despite your silver jubilee age :D stay handsome my love,LOL.

Ramadhan Blues

tomorrow will be the first day of Ramadhan in the Hijr' calendar.i guess we can all finally live in peace knowing that all the devils and satans had been chained down in Hell and all Heaven doors have been my dear friends,especially my fellow SPM candidates,optimize this opportunity to pray for the best to God because in Ramadhan,all our prayers will be heard more than before.also,don't forget to pray for your family or friends who have made a journey to the afterlife.their spirits will pay us a visit on particular nights so let us all increase our ibadah and not let them down :) this may or may not be our last Ramadhan so make the best out of it so that there won't be any regrets.clear your minds off any sinful thoughts or intentions and your fasting will be worthwhile.

have a blessed Mubarak and may all of us make it to the next Ramadhan,insyaAllah.

lastly,forgive me for all my sins as how i have forgave yours.maassalamah.