it's a little bit outdated but who cares? :D it was a Wednesday,in the middle of the week.you know what that means?MOVIE DISCOUNTS! the initial plan was for me,Deila and Nizar to have a threesome date (that came out wrong didn't it?).we were planning to catch a movie together,but unfortunately Deila somehow failed to get a leave,and i had stuff to do in the afternoon,plus i had driving classes in the morning.needless to say it was an exhausting day,i spent most of the evening waiting for my turn at the post office considering how disappointing transactions can be when the bank system goes offline,sigh.the boys had to reserve tickets for us.i arrived right after to hang out with Deila while she's working(in Kitschen to be exact).we then moved on to Borders to say hi to Nana and pick up Hazem then to Crocs to pick up Jerin.Nizar,Jerin,Hazem,Nabeel and Azita eventually shifted to Ichiban Ramen where we had some overpriced yet satisfying ramen.this isn't my first time,considering the ramen i had with kak Abby back when i attended a Pop Shuvit gig in Sunway Pyramid.large portion,i failed to finish mine.it's also partly because we had to rush our dinner so as to enter the cinema just in time for our movie.by then we were joined by Ah Meng,Mukas,Wal,two Metrojaya girls,Fakhry and Azri.now there's 13 of us altogether,wtf.we conquered the front row.we decided to watch this movie called Sanctum.not bad,really got the waterworks good,some hilarious part here and there,kinda reminded me of Titanic in a way.well what do ya know,the movie creators were the same ones! heh.i would've guessed it.we then played bowling for a few,while half of us played pool.we split up and scurried home at 10pm.
from 3 people,our outing gang grew to consist of TWELVE people! amazing what discounted movie sessions can do to our teenage minds,LOL.but it was fun.i hope this won't be our last outing together as an outrageously HUGE gang.
oh,and did i mention i finally tried the instant ramen Naz recommended to me?it wasn't at all bad.i wasn't much of a fan of kimchi on its own,but kimchi as a flavor is terrific! disclaimer: kimchi means pickled vegetable. hey fellers,let's get ourselves some ramen again later?but not too soon,i'm broke! lol.