Sunday, October 11, 2009


The Ups and Downs

hi guys.yeah i know,it's been a very long while since i last updated this's getting all dusty and full of's about time i did a little spring cleaning.i noticed there used to be a pervert posting all kinds of explicit messages in my cbox so i had to get rid of him.that explains the new and improved cbox i just put up.sorry if all your posts disappeared,i needed a new one to clean this place off any traces of lifeless people such as that spammer.i don't think i'll be able to make up by updating you with all the events that occured during my absence coz it's been more than a here goes the review of events in summarized-form:

1.5th sept 2009
venue: Masjid Jamek Parit Bakar
event: Community Service for School's Red Crescent Society.

the aim was to prepare 'bubur lambuk' (famous malay porridge cooked with various spices and ingredients) for the mosque visitors.4 members from my school got involved and there were members from other school too.i partially burnt my hands while pouring the steaming hot porridge into a plastic back.nevertheless,all the hardwork paid off knowing that this event is meant to help the villagers prepare for buka puasa.

2.once again,i have been asked to come for jamming with my secondary band,The Sesame to jam,but yet again,the jam session was called off due to band issues.

3.i've gotten an EP from kak jass of mikafanclub! it's the limited edition Mika's Song For Sorrows EP she bought all the way from UK! i'll write a review on that later as soon as Mika's album CD 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' reaches close friend Brittany M will be sending it to me for my,how lucky am i to have joined the mfc?all of the members are so generous <3

4. puasa was siblings were back days before raya to spend the last few days of ramadhan with me and my parents.i held an open house on the first day but only edmund,rubika and reenie showed was fun though.on the brightside,i didn't really have to serve so many people.three's a crowd :D the cousins who came really made such chaos at my house! there were practicly groups the kitchen was where the moms and newly-weds gathered,ones with babies and the girls were at the tv section,fathers and uncles at the dining table,elderly ones were at the living room and last but not least,the boys were jamming in my brother's room with my guitar.apparently the nerds were there to,although i can't deny the fact that they are absolutely uninterested in Afi but is more interested in techno geeky stuff XDDDD it was fun.the house was drasticly quiet when all of them went back home.

4.there's a reason now why i hate the 25th day of a month.i will tell you why later.

5.i met him..details in the next post.also,twitter was down one sunny day so i decided to take a screenshot of the rare event,LOL.

6.broke my first guitar string today when my uncle came over to teach me the proper way of tuning and strumming using running guitar playing skills are so full of flaws all these while and i didn't even noticed =.= but of course,practice makes perfect so i'm gonna practice till i'm good enough to perform.
btw,broke the high e string.just as remembrance,lol.

that's it for now.will update more soon.take care and thanks for reading!

-history makes me hickory dickory.

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