also,the fact that the basketball court belongs to my friends and i on thursday evenings certainly becomes one of the major factors.i know i's awkward
and unlikely for someone as busy as i am to get more excited of thursdays rather than fridays - the supposedly exciting day that signifies how near the weekend already is.weekends don't mean much to me.i have nothing much to look forward to.other than school,i live on the internet,which sucks.none of my friends can actually be playfully injured,or thrown french fries at when they make jokes or annoying statements.everything is more fun when it's done in real life.nevertheless,i'm not whining in any way.i love my life! anyway,back to the topic..THURSDAYS... aahh.. going back to school at 3pm,and spending my 3 and a half hours there..the best part is...the secret affair and drama..
i can't believe i'm actually saying this but,sometimes,if you're too close to someone,as in the opposite sex,and spend too much time with him/her,you might just fall for him like I did.i never knew this could be any all started off in february,when the both of us,my marc anthony and i,LMAO... got close since we share the same interest.everyone who sees us will think the both of us have something going on,while it's actually otherwise,as far as i'm's been a secret of mine for months,until i decided to finally spill the beans to my friends.and now...
it has turned into a love story.gosh... help me...
i've been listening to a lot of Enrique Iglesias lately,it might be because either i'm lovesick or plainly sick of love.either way,it's a disease that i MUST overcome no matter what.
meanwhile...i'm gonna keep my lips sealed and just see what happens little 'drama' starts within minutes now,gotta go. muahx to all :)
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