on this particular date,2 years ago (2008),was the day i started rocking on my guitar of which i named Afi for two reasons:
1.my guitar interest came from my conversation with one of my favourite guitarists,Hanafi from Estranged.
2.'Afi' was derived from the model of the guitar,yamaha Pacifica 112J.
on this exact date,i can proudly claim," yes,i've been playing guitar for 2 years!" hehe.back then i could barely hold a guitar pick properly and now i'm on my way in becoming a soloist! how fast time flies.

this was back when i was 15.my 'first date' with Afi :D
JD tuning Afi by ear,amazing ain't it?and my ex-rhythm guitarist Shafiq randomly popping up,haha.

oh gosh...i DO look possessed,hehe.
thanks for 2years of rocking,Afi.may we rock for many years to come.
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