A little random and overdue but who gives a fuck,it's my blog aight,hehe.
So yeah,this is my first ever Rockaway experience,bought the tickets for the sake of watching Sum 41 and Dashboard Confessionals but somehow due to unforeseen circumstances,organizers failed to get them here.However,they compensated by bringing over three epic bands All Time Low,Story of The Year and of course the most anticipated act,The Used.
I came at about 3:30pm after being pestered by Ken Yue who was there since 9:30am as a volunteer,sacrificing my MJ Night rehearsal session in uni.btw,I'm biased so I'm just gonna talk about the bands I favor,hehe.
Waiting for the bands I anticipated for weren't big of a deal considering the excellence of all the acts on stage,especially LO,.you're still awesome dude! he played some familiar tunes,just for nostalgia's sake: Evening News,Operator The Line Is Dead, and a new shit, Oops I Love You.

Somehow during the show,Ken Yue pulled me out of the crowd and led me to the side of the stage where the girls were cheering.He handed me his volunteer tag and i went through the security almost too smoothly.It happened so fast that I didn't even notice I was actually standing right next to the members of All Time Low! unlike other girls,i managed to keep my cool and welcomed them to Malaysia etc.it was a brief but meaningful conversation per say.did I mention Alex Gaskarth's guitar pick hit Ken Yue's eye and he gave it to me? hehe. and another epic moment was when a bunch of girls threw their 'boob underwear' to Jack Barakat from All Time Low = = dang... where's your dignity? (sorry fellers,since i didn't rate my blog as R anymore,can't upload the pics or elaborate much about the obscene antics of the ATL boys on stage that had gotten them banned from Malaysia.try google-ing them,they pissed off the organizers but yeah,they rocked and I was lucky enough to have met them on their first and last visit to Malaysia before they're banned. lol. yeah,rubbing it in yo face bee-otches,haha.on the brightside,they totally rocked the house! the mosh pit,the chaos,the uncensored words,totally beyond awesome!
right after ATL was Pop Shuvit. they had their usual song list played and of course,followed by the Groom-to-be,Moots' stage dive.somehow the crowd got carried away and Moots' Macbeth shoes kicked me in the face,and they almost got stolen by the crowd.
highlight of the night was of course,Uno's stage canoe attempt,something we rarely see normal people do!
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