i know it's 2010,which means it's a World Cup year again! so i should be getting into a football mood rather than my usual love sickness issues.this year,i support 4 teams : Japan,Brazil,Argentina and Spain..unfortunately,3 out of 4 of my favourite teams have been eliminated.Spain is my last hope.i was mostly disappointed of Argentina.Messi what happened to you??the game was so neck-and-neck and suddenly the Argentinian somehow got a bit too nervous,enough to let them go off-guard.the defense totally sucked,and we could see that the German team penetrated it easily.4-0 FTW!! worst game i've ever seen right after the match between brazil and holland.we can see how disappointed Kaka was when his teammates missed a couple of open goals.gosh...seriously,it's been the longest two days of my life,having known that both the teams that i support had been such easy rivals to their opponents,at least Japan had an honorable defeat.the Japan vs Paraguay match ended up in a tie with the score 0-0,by which was then broken by penalty kicks and won by Paraguay,with an extremely tiny difference in score.now,it's down to the match between Spain and Paraguay.i have my fingers crossed.don't let me down now Espana! nail it :DD
well,at least i DID spot a couple of heartthrobs who played well and are pretty good-looking in their own respective ways.

messi ~~~ from the Argentinian team.

Thomas Mueller from German
(does he really look like Beckham?)

Gonzalo Higuain from Argentina

Keisuke Honda from Japan (right)

Ricardo Kaka from Brazil
i'm not too sure when the next match will be.let us all hope that Spain will make it to the semifinals,to meet with Germany! now THAT's what you call a game! :D
have fun guys :) don't get too stressed out.no more Asians,no more Latinos,no more Africans and no more Americans in the World Cup.might as well rename the whole thing as European Cup or anything equivalent,LMAO.
that's all folks.i'll see you soon.muahx~
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