"just remember when a dream appears
you belong to me
and I'll be so alone without you
maybe you'll be lonesome too"
-You Belong To Me by Jason Wade
yes,i think you belong to me,and the belief that you will always be gives me the strength to go through the oncoming days.despite what people say or think,i can feel that i'm locked up inside of you right now,and i can never undergo a day without looking at that smile of yours,or at least seeing you from afar,which pretty much explains how much i hate weekends despite them being days away from school.i hate being away from you,i hate not seeing you and most of all,i hate not talking to you at all.
last night after breaking fast,i looked out the window and saw a crimson full moon,among the dazzling diamond stars wrapped up in the dark cloak which we call the night sky,as bright as it is,it can never outshine your smile (:
i can no longer deny now.marco,i'm in love with you.can i please keep you,for like,an eternity?
this very encouraging conversation with Liyana made me smile throughout the night,and i'm expecting a memorable dream tonight.
good night marco my love,sweet dreams.whenever you're cold,you have my heart.embrace it tight and let its warmth protect you from harm.
someday we'll break each other's hearts into two,because we need to make up space for each of us to switch the halves. :))
2 feedback(s):
hahahaah awwwwww gamba tuuu
:')) semoga berbahagia waakak
ohh ang akhi2 tu kutuk aku la tu..hahah.."active tak suka dia?"
HAHAHAAHHAHA almkkk malu xsgka ko baca dow,hahahaha. sorrry~ mnede kutuk :p
thanks wei! ko pn sme tau tau
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