oh yes it's the new year again and as we all know,the ultimate cliche' is to make a new year,or several,new year resolutions which we will eventually break either unintentionally or rather,blindly.it's getting old,really,and i'm sick of all of it.for instance,i pledged to not curse,yet,i curse after every bad luck i get.what's up with my resolutions?they're all gone,blown away by the wind,or perhaps washed off by the recent tsunami and volcanic lava.i am in no way trying to be offensive,but i am proving my point that new year resolutions are total poppy cocks.seriously,why do you have to wait for the first day of a new year to plan your aspirations and whatnot am i right?in the words of my English friend,Chantelle,
well instead of making new year resolutions,i've decided to recap the top 10 changes in my life in significant to the year 2010.here goes:
1.moving from a house in Muar to a condo in Seksyen 10 Kota Damansara

2.moving from Convent Muar to SMK Seksyen 10 Kota Damansara

3.making new friends?

4.new musical style of songwriting.
5.new members in Afi's brotherhood circle.
6.life without Midway Scarlet.
7. section-hopping by bus!
8.the Curve & McD as my new cliche' hangout place.
9.my new obsessions with Scrubs & Green Day
10.found love :)

and of course,something i've never done before in my whole life,dancing on the streets to the tune of Mika's "Blame It On The Girls" with Ejay & Desiree!
great year,great memories! 2011,bring it on!
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