Monday, July 27, 2009

Beat It

oh no! i think i'm having a high fever! no worries people,i haven't been out of the country nor have i mixed with potentially-H1N1-infected's another kind of fever called MJN1 (as in,Michael Jackson No1 Hits Addiction Syndrome).i'm literally going gaga over him for some reason to the extent where i can't stop searching for his videos on youtube.i think i have become a die hard fan of his,too bad he's gone too soon.

the first random song that popped into my head when i woke up this morning was his 1970s no1 hit : Don't Stop Til You Get made me sing the same tunes the whole day.during recess,the 'player' in my head played 'Will You Be There'.so again,i sang till my duty at the canteen was over,lol.kinda astonished the passers-by,but what do I care anyway? imagine if they were to be in my shoes,standing there doing nothing but stop the students from exiting at the entrance for half an hour.right now am listening to 'You Rock My World' in repeat mode.didn't know it was MJ's song,sounded like JT,somehow,no disrespect though.i <3 MJ

also,i'm taking another step forward to end the nonsense i have mentioned in my earlier posts.what nonsense? can you recall this:

yes..THAT in class,miss lynette asked us to write an essay on 'A Memorable Day'.she called abi up front to briefly describe a memorable day in her life.abi told her about the day she got straight As for pmr,and lynette wasn't pleased,lol.simply coz there wasn't gonna be much to write she decided to call someone so-called 'creative' up front.guess who the unlucky one is? ME..wht the hell~

so,well,considering i love my life,there are so many memorable days i could think of.choosing one would be so troublesome for me, my dang classmates yenn,double e,sarah and cucuwa were cheering:

"azee,that camp! azee talk about that camp! we know you want to!"
so of course,me being me, " what camp? i'm not talking about THAT"
"then talk about yesterday's install! *evil grin*" shouts yenn.

basicly i got a little pissed off,so i guess i ignored her and proceeded by talking about Camp Rock.didn't mention the part i met saiang,lol.

and my little heart to heart talk with shu wan squeezed out all the honesty juice out of me.aparently i came to a realisation: i am being an idiot.that's why i'm putting an end to all these.period.

ohh before i forget,got my marks surprising,i thought i'd fail my sejarah and addmaths,lol.guess that's all for today.gotta get back to the real world now..



I Rock My World.

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